Preservative Dr. Silage

What is Dr.Silage

Dr. SILAGE is a biological innoculant produced by ACE Agro. It provides strong culture of homofermentative bacteria, which enables targeted and effective treatment of protein and carbohydrate crops.

Science and practice proved strains of silage bacteria Lactobacillus plantarum and Pediococcus pentosaceus produce lactic acid and provide the required fermentation process in silage.

Dr. SILAGE lactic acid bacteria were selected from strains of homofermentative bacteria for their efficient production of lactic acid. Pediococcus pentosaceus quickly starts fermentation process and is the most effective at pH from 6.5–4.5. Lactobacillus plantarum is most active during the fermentation process from pH 6.0 and the completion of the fermentation up to the pH limit of 4.2–3.8, depending on the silage crop and the given dry matter. Both bacs are thermotolerant.

  • Dr.SILAGE reduces losses of the true protein  in silage (proteolysis).
  • Dr.SILAGE provides (at full dosage) 1 million bacteria per 1 gram of the silage material.
  • Dr.SILAGE enables quick opening of the silage after closing up the silage pit.
  • Dr.SILAGE helps to  avoid silage losses, losses of the dry matter, outflow of the silage efluent and oxidation of the silage material.
  • Dr.SILAGE concept ensures  stability of the finished silage after opening (aerobic stability).
  • Dr.SILAGE helps to increase dry matter intake and palatability.

Composition of Dr. Silage

  • Lactobacillus plantarum 1,5 x 10 11 CFU/g
  • Pediococcus pentosaceus 5,0 x 10 10 CFU/g

Dosage: 1 kg of Dr. Silage for

  • 200 t protein silage 5,0g /t
  • 400 t grass silage 2,5g/t
  • 800 tun kukuřičných siláží. 1,25g/t

Amount of bacteria per 1 g of silage

  • 1 000 000 bacteria for protein silage,
  • 500 000 bacteria for grass silage and
  • 250 000 bacteria for corn silage.

Díky velkému množství bakterií velmi důrazně působí na pokles pH v konzervované píci, a tak snižuje ztráty sušiny, jednoduchých cukrů a proteolýzu, což příznivě ovlivňuje obsah živin v konzervovaných krmivech. Vysoký počet bakterií v Dr. Silage řadí tento přípravek mezi nejsilnější konzervanty v ČR a v porovnání s některými konkurenčními produkty obsahuje 4-10x vyšší počet bakterií.

Záruční lhůta je 24 měsíců od data výroby.

Skladování na suchém a chladném místě. Pro dlouhodobé skladování se doporučuje uchovávat při 4°C.

Dr. Silage je přípravek v sypké formě rozmíchatelný ve vodě a vhodný pro kapalné aplikace. Po rozpuštění vydrží v aktivní formě do 3 dnů díky nosiči, pokud není přípravek vystavený slunečnímu záření.

Dr.Silage has proven that

  • Improves yield
  • Improves growth rate of the cattle for fattening
  • Reduces silage losses
  • Eliminates outflow of the silage juices
  • Increases energy content during the silage process
  • Increases fodder intake
  • Improves fermentation of the silage
  • Protects maximum of the digestibility of feeding stuffs

Dr.Silage excels in

  • Fermentation power
  • Simple application also with low-volume applicators
  • Wide range of usage
  • Elimination of the technological mistakes during harvesting
  • Reduction of the proteolysis and aerobic instability

Dr.SILAGE is a proved leader among silage preservatives and has wide range of usage thanks to its practical efficiency. BEAUTY IS IN SIMPLICITY!

24 months

Package content:
4 × 250 g bags

Suitable for organic production
under regulation (ES)
No. 834/2007 (as amended)

Production of the Dr.Silage
preservative is certificated
by GMP+

All rights reserved. 2020 - 2025